This month Gauge Online Magazine got a few free minutes to stop by Bewleys Body Works to interview Mike Menchhofer. Mike is the mastermind behind the radical rendering and flawless airbrush work that is going to take place on the BigWood Project.

We have added a few features to this section that are a for sure not to miss. Stay tuned to Gauge Magazine next month for the ultimate online project vehicle.

1. Download Big Wood Project Rendering Wall Paper. (Click Here)
2. Download Video of Mike in action. (Click Here)

GM= Gauge Online Magazine
MM= Mike Menchhofer

GM: Mike, just how old are you?
MM: Unbelievably I am only 28 years old

GM: That is unbelievable; I would have expected a lot older with all of the work you’ve been producing. How long have you been airbrushing?
MM: I have been an artist since I could walk. Put the airbrush in my hand about 1.5 years ago.

GM: When did you realize you had any artistic abilities?
MM: Finger Paint in Elementary school.

GM: We have met people that can draw, but few of them can create renderings and less than that, not many can airbrush, was it hard to make the transition? How much time and practice did you have before you sprayed your first project?
MM: I am still making the transformation. I really did not have a lot of practice. I got put on a job, picked up an airbrush and it was second nature.

GM: With your talents, there are a lot of industries you could have perused, what made you want to be in the Custom Auto Scene?
MM: The thought of drawing for the automotive industry has always been a dream of mine.

GM: What are some of the bigger projects you’ve been involved in? Have they had a lot of media coverage?
MM: I painted and designed both the GM Cavalier and Sunfire that debuted at the S.E.M.A. 2001 show.

GM: Have any of the project vehicles you’ve been involved with made the cover of a magazine?
MM: Yes they have.
1. Pro Glass Pro Finish - Green monster Ford F-250 - Cover 4 Wheel Magazine
2. Rick Bottom- Dodge Dually- Cover Sport Truck Magazine
3. Dennis Slamka - Spicy Taco -Cover Mini Trukcin and Gauge Online magazine
4. Firestone Corporation – Project Kemo-sabe - Cover Mini Truckin
5. Todd Wilt – Toyota Hydraulic Dancer- Cover Mini Truckin
6. Todd Wilt- Ramster- Cover Mini Truckin
7. Paxton Automotive – (Barely Legal) Mustang- Muscle Mustangs and Fast Fords

GM: If our readers wanted you to do they’re renderings or their paint jobs how should they go about contacting you?
MM: Mike is currently getting an e-mail address. Until that time feel free to send us your info and we will pass it along to him.

GM: How did you get involved in the Big Wood Project?
MM: I was contacted by to create the one of a kind rendering.

GM: How much time did you have involved with designing the rendering for the Big Wood Project?
MM: It took about 3 months with 6 original renderings and one final poster size.

GM: How much airbrush time are you estimating on the Big Wood Project?
MM: A month in a half for all the details.

GM: What are your expectations for the Big Wood Project?
MM: To please the owner and to create the largest head turner in the industry.

GM: We are really excited and anxious to get this to a show, how is the Big Wood Project coming along?
MM: We are currently smoothing out all the body and getting ready to spray the first of many colors to come.

GM: Thank you for giving us this interview, we hope to have you back when The Big Wood Project is finished for a final overview.
MM: Thank you for the opportunity. I also want to thank my parents for putting up with all my shit while I am following my dreams.


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