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Editorial Director  

Donnie Babb
Have any of you ever done something because someone said it could not be done? Of course you have, that is what makes us human. Well, just a little over 4 years ago I was told that to start an online magazine would be absolutely stupid. Guess what? Here we are 4 years later, still going strong.
Throughout these four years we at Gauge have learnt a lot about business, people and life. All of the lessons that we learn just help us to bring you a better online experience each month.
As you read through each of the staff member's editorials you will notice that we are all different, but we have the same goals… to make Gauge the best that it can be. I know that with our current staff and upcoming e-commerce interactive layout it will be a year for the history books.
Please at any time if you have any suggestions, comments or complaints please let us know. We are dedicated to serving you, our customer.
I promised myself that I would not make this long and drawn out so here is just a few things that I feel everyone should keep an eye out for this season in 2002.

#1 Gauge Online Magazine Lifestyle Parties.
(Keep an eye out for the flyers; our parties are off the hook)

#2 The Ultimate Online Shopping Experience
(Just wait and see… Its not called Ultimate for nothing)

#3 Non-Stop Aggressive Photography
(If you don't know by now, YOU WILL)

#4 Gauge Online Magazine Booth
(Music, Girls, Stickers, T-Shirts and Flyers for every event on the planet)

#5 The Big Wood Project
(Editor Big Wood is stepping off the porch to run with the big dogs)
*** Make sure to check out the monthly build up****
This truck will be the talk of 2002.



Editor / Advertising Director

Big Wood
Hey everybody, what's up? My name is Brandon Wooden a.k.a "BIG WOOD", I wanted to start by telling everyone that I will be the Editor of the #1 online magazine in the world, which could it be? Gauge Magazine. We are going on our fourth year of business and gaining more respect as time goes on! You may have seen me running around like crazy at the shows bringing you guys the hottest coverage you ever seen in an online magazine, or rolling a Suburban through the show field. I cannot lie; it is a good time, but a lot of work to stay in touch with the enthusiasts and all the new ideas that the industry throws at us everyday. Although, there is a constant change in the industry, whether it is new product or a new look, this sport continues to grow like crazy, and is creating an unbelievable hype!
Here at GAUGE, we strive to stay on top of the game, to bring all the upcoming events, and news release information of any sort. However, we cannot do it by ourselves, your opinion, as the reader, the enthusiast or the business owners, is what we want. If you have any suggestions towards the magazine or any questions at that, please E-mail me or our Webmaster Chris and we would be happy to hear, how you can make a difference to this magazine!
Although we bring on the New Year, we will never forget the date 9-11-01. Something fell upon us that day that would change our lives forever. It has effected everyone physically and mentally from this tragic event. I just wanted to take this time to give respect to all of the people in New York. and Washington DC who have lost loved ones or were even effected by this tradgedy. This year GAUGE has dedicated our "United We Stand" banner to everyone, everywhere, to keep our heads up and our feet on the ground. Peace!
Sincerely, BIG WOOD
E-Commerce / Sales Director

Matt Petro
Here at "Gauge" we are really excited about the upcoming year. There are so many new changes that are going to be happening over the next few month's, we know that you are going to love it.
First of all I would like to tell everyone about our new e-commerce store that will be coming out over the next few month's. You will start to notice that throughout the magazine there will be new buttons. The reason for all the new buttons is, Gauge on-line Magazine is about to make your experience in our e-zine very, very different. To start, you will be able to buy the hottest parts available all throughout the magazine at very competitive prices. The new shopping experience is going to be fully interactive with the features. If you like the wheels on the cover vehicle? No problem, you can buy them for your ride, on the spot.
I personally know you will find that this is going to be the best shopping experience on the web.
It is my job to make Gauge the best online buying experience you ever have. So please, if you have any questions, comments, or feedback don't hesitate to e-mail me and let me know.
We know that when you shop at Gauge you will always feel good about your purchases.

Until Next Month,
Matthew Petro
National Sales Director

Editorial Staff:

Dan Davis

I've been part of the Gauge Family for about a year now. I'm originally from Arizona, got tired of all the bulls shit and heat, so I moved 7 years ago to the Midwest. I've been shooting the custom automotive industry for several years now. My work has been published in several printed magazine titles ranging from Mini Truckin to Custom Rodder to Off-Road. You can check out some of my work at

Let me share my views with you on the sport. You may agree with them, then again you might not. That's what keeps this world going. If it weren't for the Street Rodders of the 50's and 60's, the Mini Truckin, Sport Truck, Lowrider and Euro industry would not be what it is today. Chopping tops, suiciding doors, shaved body mods, body drops among others were all being done before you were even thought about.

I'm out for now. In closing, I hope everyone has a great 2002 show season, may you go home with many trophies and few hangovers. Last but not least, don't DRINK and DRIVE it's not you I worry about, but the innocent people around you

Double D.


Jason Swinford

What's up Gauge readers? My name is Jason Swinford and I'm proud to say that I am a photographer/editorial assistant for Gauge Magazine. I started in the Custom ride scene back in 1997, by building a 97 F-150 4x4. Some of you may remember it, the Bounty Hunter with the suicide doors and water window. After going to shows like Indy Truck Bash and Cruisefest I fell in love with the whole custom scene and was determined to be associated with it. Like many have said before, once the custom bug bites you there's no turning back. I'm currently in the process of building a new show car, which hopefully will be making its debut in May. It is called project Fusion, named after our late Webmaster and best friend Blair Smith.
I started doing free-lance work for Gauge last April while I was living in Florida and shot a couple shows there. Since then, I've moved back to Indiana and working for Gauge on a more regular basis.
So this winter, spring, summer or fall if you see me at a show come say 'what's up?', so I can get to know you. The wonderful thing about the custom scene is the friends you make. Plus the girls!!! Sorry, just had to get that in there. Well, drop me a line if you have any suggestions or just want to shoot the shit. Looking forward to a great year. See everyone out there

Jason Swinford


Megan Ostrolecki

Psssssst..........Wassup minitruckers, my name is Megan, aka RULOWER and I am one of the freelance photographers here at Gauge Magazine. Being around the truckin scene for about 7 years I learn something new all the time.. My truck in the beginning was a stock, black '94 S-10 ........ now it's bagged, painted, rollin on some big wheels and soon to be body dropped. Some of the shows you can find me at are Cruisefest, Indy Bash, Pigeon Forge, Midwest Nationals, NOPI Nationals, Booger Bash, and West Coast Nationals. And hell the reason I love this sport is just to cruise around, check out some phat rides and party with my friends. Well hope to see you this summer, and 'member stay low and avoid those damn potholes!


Webmaster /Web Designer

Hey gang - glad to be working with all these enthusiastic freaks - although I can barely keep a vehicle running myself, I'm all about seeing stuff get tricked out and mod-ed... When I'm not rockin out with a band, I'm usually tweaking my computer... water-cooled, neon-lights, and I'm thinking about adding an air-bag kit!

February 2002 will be my third issue onboard, and I'm having a blast. We've got a lot of good stuff in mind for the future. This magazine has come a long way in a year, and I'm looking forward to taking it even further. Hope you like the designs, it's great fun, and pretty much all I do anymore. You can see other sites in my portfolio at

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