Your Ride….and Your Bank Account
Justin Wynn
a beautiful Sunday afternoon and you’re
cruisin’ down the strip. All
of a sudden you hear that horrible
sound of wasted money. You check your
rearview mirror to discover one of
the scariest sights to the auto enthusiast:
your local law enforcement.
Nothing against the police, but let’s
face it. The officers of the law can
be your worst enemy when it comes
to your ride. Citations and tickets
anywhere from suspension to body modifications
can severly hamper your bank account
and depending on the mood of the officer,
they can seriously ruin your day.
Although many of the modifications
we do aren’t exactly legal,
there are things you can do to keep
your ride somewhat law-abiding and
on the road.
For those of you with an adjustable
suspension, be careful hittin’
them switches on the road. In many
states, playing with your suspension
on the road can be considered reckless
driving and can lead to multiple tickets
for suspension and frame modifications.
This also depends on the police officer
as well but in short, watch your back
before you play with your ride.
Modifying or shaving your factory
taillights is a common modification
among many enthusiasts. However, your
recent efforts may not sit too well
with the law. In modifying your taillights,
remember that they have to be on the
rear of the vehicle and clearly visible
when lit up. The height of your taillights
can also be an issue as well especially
for those with bodydropped vehicles.
In Ohio, for example, the taillights
of all vehicles must be at least 16
inches off the ground in order to
be fully visible according to the
law. Try to keep these things in mind
before you spend hours of work perfecting
your newest addition.
One thing that cops will always get
you for is the license plate and its
light. I have been pulled over many
times for not having a license plate
light or having my plate mounted in
the rear window. In most states, the
license plate must be mounted at the
rear of the vehicle with a light and
it must be clearly visible. For those
who have frenched plates, be forewarned
that diagonally frenched plates can
lead to a ticket in some states, as
I discovered while driving through
Indiana one evening, leaving me with
a wonderful $75 ticket…
Although these are just basic things
to watch out for, they can save you
hundreds of dollars in fines in the
long run. Little things, like a license
plate light, can lead to the officer
finding countless other violations.
In the end, a burnt out headlight
can unfortunately lead to the towing
of your ride.
next month, keep your head high and
your ride low.